AI Data

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  1. Hands counting to five

  2. Magnifying glass over an illustration of a group of people of different ethnicities and genders

  3. Cartoon of a human working on a computer with an arrow in the background used to symbolize a cycle

  4. Typing search query

  5. Man wearing yellow sweatshirt sitting at table using laptop

  6. Lightbulb at the right end of a loading bar over a yellow background

  7. Illustration of people interacting with a larger-than-life search interface

  8. Smart home device sitting atop kitchen counter alongside a mug and blueberries

  9. Three layered circles labelled from inner to outer: deep learning, machine learning and AI

  10. A diagram of convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks

  11. Black free weight on a white background

  12. Two individuals on their phones while two blurred people are having a conversation in the foreground

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