All podcast episodes
25 minsFebruary 23, 2024

How can employee-facing technology improve your customer experience?

Since publishing this episode, we've rebranded to TELUS Digital.

On this episode, we explore the relationship between employees and technology — and how brands can harness employee-facing technology to improve their customer experience.

Tools like agent-assist bots and internal collaboration platforms can enable team members to work effectively and efficiently — in turn, increasing employee engagement and customer satisfaction.

Our expert guests share how — and why — technology centered around formulas like the service-profit chain, and TELUS International's Culture Value Chain, can help brands and their employees keep customers happy while strengthening financial performance.

Listen for the compelling perspectives of Hugo Sampaio, former vice president of information technology services at TELUS Digital, and Thomas Hollmann, clinical associate professor, department of marketing and executive director, Center for Services Leadership at Arizona State University.

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Guest placeholder image for the podcast
Hugo Sampaio

Former vice president of information technology services at TELUS Digital

Guest placeholder image for the podcast
Thomas Hollmann

Clinical associate professor, department of marketing and executive director, Center for Services Leadership at Arizona State University


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